Joshua Sobol Born in Israel, Tel Aviv, 1939 Playwright, writer and director at theatres in Israel and abroad 44 Sderot Chen Blvd, Tel Aviv 64167, Israel Phone: +972-3-6962176 Fax : +972-3-6962165 e-Mail:  |  | | Joshua Sobol is married to Edna, set and costume designer Education 1961 1962 Oranim College, Israel, Literature and History 1965 1969 The Sorbonne, Paris, A degree in Philosophy 1969 1970 Ecole Nationale DInformatique, Paris, Analyse de Conception 2008 – Doctor Philosophiae Honoris Causa awarded by The Weizman Institute of Science Joshua Sobol studied at the Sorbonne, Paris, and graduated with a diploma in philosophy. His first play was performed in 1971 by the Municipal Theatre in Haifa, where Sobol worked from 1984 to 1988 as a playwright and later as assistant artistic director. The performance of his play The Jerusalem Syndrome, in January 1988, led to widespread protests across the whole country, whereupon Sobol resigned from his post as artistic director and turned to devoting himself exclusively to writing. International Career Sobol's international career started in 1983, with the Haifa Theatre production of his play WEININGER'S NIGHT invited to participate in the official part of the Edinburgh Festival. Between 1983 and 1989 Sobol wrote three related plays: GHETTO, ADAM and UNDERGROUND which constitute together THE GHETTO TRIPTYCH. GHETTO became world famous shortly after its premiere in Haifa in May 1984. The play won the Israeli David's Harp award for best play. The Israeli opening was followed by Peter Zadek's much acclaimed German premiere of the play in July of the same year at the Freie Volksbuehne in Berlin. The play and the production were chosen by THEATER HEUTE as best production and best foreign play of the year. The play has been so far translated into more than 20 languages, and has been performed by leading theatres in more than 25 countries throughout the world.  |  | Following Nicholas Hytner's production of the play at the Royal National Theatre of Great Britain in 1989 the play won the Evening Standard and the London Critics award for Best Play of the Year, and was nominated for the Olivier award in the same category. Since 1995 Sobol cooperated with director Paulus Manker on a number of projects exploring new forms of the theatrical experience. In 1996 they have created for the Wiener Festwochen the polydrama ALMA based on the life of Alma Mahler. It had been playing in Purkersdorf, Austria for six successive seasons. ALMA transferred to Venice, Italy, and has been playing at the Palazzo Zenobio in August and September 2002, in Lisbon in 2003, in Los Angeles in 2004, the production played again in Vienna in 2005 and in Berlin in 2006. Sobol’s novel SHTIKA (Silence) was translated into German and published in 2001 in Germany by Luchterhand Verlag under the title SCHWEIGEN. The novel was also translated into Dutch and published in Amsterdam in 2002 by Byblos. Sobol’s second novel, WHISKY’S FINE, was published in Israel in March 2005. It was published in Germany by Luchterhand Verlag in September 2005.  |  | Joshua Sobol, Paulus Manker, Niklas Frank | In 1996 they have created for the Wiener Festwochen the polydrama ALMA based on the life of Alma Mahler - Werfel. It has been playing in Vienna for six successive seasons. The scenes of Almas life were performed simultaneously on all floors and in all rooms of a former Jugendstil sanatorium near Vienna. The guests were invited to abandon the immobilized position of a spectator in a conventional drama, replace it with the mobile activity of a traveller, and watch a "theatrical journey". They had to choose the events, the path, and the person to follow after each event, thus constructing her or his personal version of the "Polydrama". ALMA transferred 2002 to Venice, Italy, 2003 to Lisbon, Portugal, 2004 to Los Angeles, USA and returned 2005 to Austria, and has been playing at the Petronell Castle near Vienna where in August 2005 it celebrated its 250th performance. In 2000 they created F@LCO - A CYBER SHOW, a multimedia musical about the Austrian pop singer Falco. Staged in the former Varieté theatre Ronacher in Vienna, he audience was offered a choice between a more expensive, passive ticket for the boxes or the balconies where from the spectators can only watch the show from a certain distance, and on the other hand an active, cheaper ticket on the floor, close to the rostrum (in the shape of the internet @) on which the show was performed. This position offered the active spectator the possibility to move around during the show, to dance and to buy drinks during the show at the bars installed under the catwalks.  |  |  | | | | G. Makazaria, Hansi Lang, P. Quirante, R. Gregory | | Stage F@lco-Cyber Show | | | | Sobol's novel SHTIKA (Silence) was translated into German and published in 2001 in Germany by Luchterhand Verlag under the title SCHWEIGEN. The novel was also translated into Dutch and published in Amsterdam in 2002 by Byblos. Sobol's second novel, WHISKY'S FINE, was published in Israel in March 2005. It was published in Germany by Luchterhand Verlag in September 2005. Sobol is currently writing his third novel, and finishing his forthcoming play A WORKING CLASS HERO, dealing with the issue of the privatisation of a public transport bus company. Joshua Sobol wrote the following plays: year - play - world premiere 1971 THE DAYS TO COME - HMT. [Haifa Municipal Theatre] ISRAEL. 1973 STATUS QUO VADIS - HMT. ISRAEL 1974 SYLVESTER 72 - HMT. ISRAEL 1975 THE JOKER - HMT. ISRAEL 1976 NIGHT OF 20th - HMT. ISRAEL 1976 NERVES - HMT. ISRAEL 1977 TENANTS - HMT. ISRAEL 1977 GOG & MAGOG SHOW - ZAVTA. TEL AVIV. ISRAEL 1977 REPENTANCE - ZAVTA. ISRAEL 1978 HOMEWARD ANGEL - HABIMAH. (National Theatre of Israel) 1979 WEDDING NIGHT - HABIMAH. (National Theatre of Israel) 1980 THE LAST WORKER - BEIT LESSIN." 1981 WARS OF THE JEWS - KHAN. JERUSALEM. 1982 WEININGER'S NIGHT - HMT. HAIFA. 1984 GHETTO HMT & FREIE VOLKSBUHNE, BERLIN 1984 PASSODOBLE - ZAVTA. TEL AVIV. 1985 PALESTINIAN GIRL - HMT. HAIFA. 1986 COUNTDOWN - ZAVTA. TEL AVIV. 1987 JERUSALEM SYNDROM - HMT. HAIFA. 1989 ADAM - HABIMAH. (National Theatre of Israel) 1991 UNDERGROUND - YALE REP. NEW HAVEN, USA. 1991 SOLO - DE APPEL - THE HAGUE; HABIMAH. TEL AVIV. 1991 A&B - DORTMUND. GERMANY. 1991 EYE TO EYE - MANNHEIM, GERMANY, 1994. 1992 RING TWICE - Royal National Theatre, Oslo 1997. 1993 NICE TONI - DUSSELDORFER SCHAUSPIELHAUS, June 1994. 1993 LOVE FOR A PENNY - ISRAELI YIDDISH THEATRE, 1994. 1993 SHNEIDER AND SHUSTER - BASEL 1994; Gorki Theater, Berlin. 1994 THE MASKED BALL - HMT, Haifa, March 2001. 1994 BLOODY NATHAN - Volkstheater, Vienna, 1996. 1995 THE FATHER Wiener Festwochen, 1995. 1995 VILLAGE - GESHER Theater, Tel Aviv, February 1996. 1996 ALMA - WIENER FESTWOCHEN, Vienna 1996. 1996 HONEY - HAIFA MUNICIPAL THEATRE. 1997. 1997 MA NI MA MAMA ZAVTA Tel Aviv, Festival of One Act Plays 97. 1997 HOME CINEMA Not yet produced 1998 STRANGERS HABIMAH. (National Theatre of Israel) 1999. 1999 FALCO RONACHER THEATER, Vienna, 1st April 2000 1999 LA TORANA Not yet produced 2000 GEBIRTIG YIDDISHPIEL Tel - Aviv, 1st April 2000. 2000 17 TOP COMPAGNIETHEATER, Amsterdam 2002 2001 CROCODILES Herzelia Theatre, November 2001 2002 HOMELESS BEN GURION 2002 EYE WITNESS 2002 REAL TIME 2003 LOVE IN DARK TIMES Theater Drachengasse, Vienna , January 2005 2003 A MENTSCH Not yet produced. 2005 A WORKING CLASS HERO Cameri, Tel Aviv, 2006 2005 KOL NIDREI Herzeliya Ensemble Theatre, 2005 2005 A WORKING CLASS HERO Cameri – Tel Aviv 2006 2006 CHARMED LIFE - Theater Drachengasse, Vienna , Jan 2007 2006 SOUTH OF THE EQUATOR - not yet produced 2006 KOL’S LAST HOUR - A Monodrama - Tmuna Theatre, 2007 2007 I AM NOT DREYFUS - A Monodrama - Cameri Theatre, Tel Aviv, Aug. 2007 2007 MAN OF THE CENTURY - Not yet produced. 2007 WANDERERS- Theater Drachengasse, Vienna, 2008 2008 JO SUESS, Worms, Niebelungen Festival, 2010 2008 SINNERS, Not yet produced 2008 A PIGS’ PURIMSPIEL, Linz 2009, Cembran Cellars 2009 DARFUR AT HOME, Tel Aviv University Theatre, 2009  |  |  | | | | Scene from iWitness: Oren Yadgar and Itai Tiran | | Scene from iWitness: Aviv Zemer and Itai Tiran | Sobol directed productions of: GHETTO in Essen and in Bremen, Germany "GOLDBERG VARIATIONSby George Tabori, Dortmund, Germany, 1993 ADAM - in Manheim, Germany, 1993 SHNEIDER AND SHUSTER - Basel Theatre,Switzerland, 1994 NICE TONI - The Khan & The Jerusalem Theatre, September, 1994 GHETTO - Hartke Theatre, Washington D.C., 1995 GENS [A comprehensive version of the Ghetto Triptych] - Weimar 1995 GHETTO - Haifa Municipal Theatre, January 1998 ALMA - Cameri Theatre, Tel Aviv, December 1998 GHETTO - Wesleyan University Theatre , November 2000 THE MERCHANT OF VENICE Illinois Shakespeare Festival. 2002 IWITNESS Stadt theater St. Gallen, Switzerland, 2004 THE MERCHANT OF VENICE - Stadt theater St. Gallen, Switzerland, 2007 GHETTO - Klagenfurt Stadttheater, Austria, 2008 KOL’S LAST KOL – NTB - Dornach, Switzerland, 2008 Translations into Hebrew and adaptions for the hebrew stage: Jean Claude Grumberg / Dreyfus – Beit Zvi - 1981 Alfred de Musset / On ne badine pas avec l’amour – Beit Zvi - 1983 J. P. Sartre / Les mains sales - Habima National Theatre -1983 J. Giraudoux / La guerre de Troie n’aura pas lieu – Haifa Municipal Theatre - 1984 Moliere / Le Tartuffe – Haifa Municipal Theatre - 1984 Bulgakov / Moliere – Haifa Municipal Theatre - 1985 Strindberg / Mademoiselle Julie - Haifa Muniucipal Theatre - 1986 Moliere / Le Malade Imaginaire – Kameri Theatre - 1988 Michel Vinaver / L’emission de Television –Habima National Theatre - 1994 | |
Publications (a partial list) 2009 Libera Me - A play (Hebrew) - Published by Or-Am, Tel Aviv. 2008 Honey - A play (Hebrew) - Published by Or-Am, Tel Aviv. 2008 Kol’s Last Call - A play (Hebrew) - Published by Or-Am, Tel Aviv. 2008 I Am Not Dreyfus - A play (Hebrew) - Published by Or-Am, Tel Aviv. 2006 A Working Class Hero - A play - (Hebrew) - Published by Or-Am, Tel Aviv. 2006 Here And Now - An Essay - published by Yedioth Ahronot Books, Tel Aviv. 2005 Kol Nidrei -A play (Hebrew) - Published by Or-Am, Tel Aviv. 2005 Real Time - A play (Hebrew) - Published by Or-Am, Tel Aviv. 2005 Whisky Ist Auch In Ordnung - (German) - Luchterhand Verlag, Munich 2005 Whisky’s Fine - A Novel –published by The New Library, Tel Aviv 2004 Strangers - A play (Hebrew) - Published by Or-Am, Tel Aviv. 2004 iWitness - A play (Hebrew) - Published by Or-Am, Tel Aviv. 2002 The Masked Ball - A play (Hebrew) - Published by Or-Am, Tel Aviv. 2002 Zwijgen (Shtika) - A Novel (Dutch) - Byblos Boeken, Amsterdam 2001 Schweigen (Shtika) - A Novel (German) - Luchterhand Verlag, Munich 2000 Silence (Shtika) - A Novel –published by The New Library, Tel Aviv 1999 Alma - A play (Hebrew) - Published by Or - Am, Tel Aviv. 1998 Alma - A play (German) - Published by Paulus Manker, Vienna. 1998 Palestinian Girl (English) - Published by Loki Books, London 1996 Village - A play (Hebrew) - Published by Or - Am, Tel Aviv. 1994 Solo - A play (French & English) - Published by Cierec, Saint Etienne 1991 Solo - A play (Hebrew) - Published by Or - Am, Tel Aviv. 1991 Weiningers Night - A play - Published by Cahiers Bernard Lazare, Paris 1990 Underground - A play (Hebrew) - Published by Or - Am, Tel Aviv. 1990 Night of the 20th - A play (Hebrew) - Published by Or - Am, Tel Aviv. 1989 Adam - A play (Hebrew) - Published by Or - Am, Tel Aviv. 1989 Ghetto - A play (English) - Published by Nick Hern Books, London. 1988 Weiningers Nacht A play (German) - Published by Paulus Manker, Vienna. 1987 The Jerusalem Syndrome - A play (Hebrew) - Published by Or - Am, Tel Aviv. 1985 The Palestinian Girl - A play (Hebrew) - Published by Or - Am, Tel Aviv. 1984 Ghetto - A play (Hebrew) - Published by Or - Am, Tel Aviv. 1982 Soul of a Jew - A play (Hebrew) - Published by Or - Am, Tel Aviv. 1976 Night of the Twentieth - A play, (Hebrew) Published by Proza, Tel Aviv.  | Offices in the private section 1984 - 1988 - Artistic Director, Haifa Municipal Theatre, Israel. Awards 1976 NIGHT OF THE TWENTIETH - Davids Harp Award - Best Play of the Year. 1976 NIGHT OF THE TWENTIETH - David Pinski Award 1979 HOMEWARDS ANGEL - Davids Harp Award - Israels Best Play of the Year. 1980 THE LAST WORKER - Davids Harp Award - Israels Best Play of the year. 1982 WEININGERS NIGHT - Davids Harp Award - Israels Best Play of the Year. 1983 WEININGERS NIGHT - Meskin Award for Best Play of the Year. 1984 GHETTO - Davids Harp Award - Israels Best Play of the Year. 1985 GHETTO - Theater Heute German Critics Choice - Best Foreign Play 1986 THE PALESTINIAN GIRL - Issam Sirtawi Award. 1989 GHETTO - The Evening Standard award for Best Play of the Year. London. 1989 GHETTO - The Critics Circle London Theatre Awards - Best New Play. 1990 GHETTO - Laurence Olivier Awards - Award Nomination - Best Play. 1995 GHETTO - Mainichi Art Prize - Best play of the year - Tokyo, Japan. 1996 GHETTO - Yumiuri Shimbun Grand Prize best play of the year, Tokyo, Japan 1996 GHETTO - Yoshiko Yuasa Prize - Best play of the year. Tokyo, Japan. 2001 SILENCE - Sapir Award Nomination - Best Novel of the Year. 2003 Rosenblum Award for The Contribution to Israeli Theatre. Short Summary Playwright, author and director. Wrote some fifty plays. Some of his plays have been translated into many languages, and performed world wide. His play GHETTO has been performed in leading theatres throughout the world and won many awards, including The Evening Standard and The London Critics Theatre Award for Best Play of the Year. It also won three Best Play Awards in Japan. In Israel Sobol received five times the David's Harp Award for "Playwright of the Year". Sobol directed productions in Israel, Germany, Switzerland and the USA. He has been teaching and conducting Drama Workshops at the universities of Tel Aviv and Beer Sheva in Israel, and at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut. His first novel "SILENCE" appeared in Israel in 2000, in Germany in 2001 and in Holland in 2002. Joshua Sobol Born: Israel, 1939. Wrote: 58 plays, 2 novels. Sobol’s plays are performed worldwide. His play “GHETTO” won the Evening Standard Award, the London Critics Award, and three Japanese awards for Best Play of the Year. Sobol explores The Impossible Theatre. | |