Palazzo Zenobio
Fondamenta del Soccorso, Dorsoduro 2596

at the end of Campo San Margherita, near Carmini Church

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Arrival by car
If you're travelling by car, you can park in one of the private car parks in Piazzale Roma or in the
large municipal parking lot called Tronchetto, on the right at the end of Ponte della Libertà, the
bridge that connects the city centre to the mainland.

To reach Palazzo Zenobio from Tronchetto you can take the vaporetto

• Line 82 (Tronchetto – San Basilio)

To reach Palazzo Zenobio from Piazzale Roma you can either take the vaporetto ot rather go on foot. The walk takes about 7 minutes.

Route description:
Leaving Piazzale Roma turn right, cross Campazzo tre ponti, and turn right into Fondamenta Tre Ponti. Continue along Fondamenta Pagan, Fondamenta Cazziola, and Fondamenta S. Marco, turn right into Fondamenta dei Cereci for 100m, and then turn left to follow Fondamenta rossa. At the end you find Palazzo Zenobio.

• Line 82 (Piazzale Roma- San Basilio) ) – takes about 20 minutes
• Line 1 (Piazzale Roma – Ca‘Rezzonico) – takes about 40 minutes